Archive for 3月 26th, 2011



FT2011/3/25:Tokyo residents weigh exit options

日経2011/3/25: 東京都施設のコマツナ、規制値超すセシウム 流通はせず-研究用、露地で試験栽培

東京新聞2011/3/25:島根西部でもヨウ素検出 人体に影響なし

ロイター2011/3/25: “Abnormal” radiation found on Japanese ship entering China

東京新聞2011/3/25:東電負担 数兆円規模に 損害賠償

NYT2011/3/26: Japan Raises Possibility of Breach in Reactor Vessel

ロイター2011/3/25:Japan downplays fears of setback in nuclear crisis

読売2011/3/25: 東電「米軍の支援、断ったと認識してない」

読売2011/3/25: 千葉県産の葉物野菜、規制値上回る放射性物質

ロイター2011/3/25: High radiation levels at Japanese plant raise new worry



  • new york times 2011/3/26:日本の原子力規制が依拠する津波リスクの科学は時代遅れ
    7段落「日本は技術力で有名。にもかかわらず、過去数十年間、官僚とエリートエンジニアは、地震津波の記録に過度に頼る、時代遅れの原子力発電所保護の科学的指針に固執しつづけ、地震学とリスクアセスメントの1970年代以降の進歩を活用しなかった。」Japan is known for its technical expertise.
    For decades, though, Japanese officialdom and even parts of its engineering establishment clung to older scientific precepts for protecting nuclear plants, relying heavily on records of earthquakes and tsunamis, and failing to make use of advances in seismology and risk assessment since the 1970s.
  • 共同通信2011/3/26配信記事:大津波、2年前に危険指摘 東電、想定に入れず被災
  • new york times 2011/3/26: As More Nuclear Plant Damage Is Found, Japan Presses Repair Efforts 
     Like the injured workers, many of those risking their lives are subcontractors of Tokyo Electric Power, who are paid a small daily wage for hours of work in dangerous conditions. In some cases they are poorly equipped and trained for their task.


BBC2011/3/26:Viewpoint: We should stop running away from radiation