Archive for 3月 17th, 2011




New York Times 2011/3/16: 日本のリーダーシップにおける公平無私の欠如 原発事故に関して、情報公開が不十分すぎるという点について。原発の情報が発信されない理由として、原発推進派と反対派の長年の相互不信から、電力会社と規制当局(通産省→経産省)が、原発反対派を勢いづけないように、情報の流れを厳しく統制してきた点を指摘。 “Left-leaning news media outlets were long skeptical of nuclear power and its backers, and the mutual mistrust led power companies and their regulators to tightly control the flow of information about nuclear operations so as not to inflame a broad spectrum of opponents that include pacifists and environmentalists.”

New York Times 2011/3/16: U.S. Calls Radiation ‘Extremely High’ and Urges Deeper Caution in Japan


ロイター2011/3/16:Factbox: Travel warnings after Japan’s earthquake 

ロイター2011/3/16: Airlines scramble to assist Japan exodus

ロイター2011/3/16: Foreign bankers flee Tokyo as nuclear crisis deepens 

BBC 2011/3/16 : Japan radiation fears prompt firms to move employees

ロイター2011/3/16:Thriving metropolis or ghost town? Crisis transforms Tokyo

CNN2011/3/16: Navy says radiation releases pose challenging environment


ワシントンポスト2011/3/16: U.S. urges Americans within 50 miles to evacuate 
  ・Path of the plume  

ロイター 2011/3/16: Analysis: Worst Case Nuclear Cloud Seen Limited to Japan

New York Times 2011/3/16:Q. and A. on the Nuclear Crisis in Japan

ガーディアン2011/3/16:Lessons for Japan from the Chernobyl catastrophe – The Fukushima nuclear plant crisis appears less dangerous than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster – but the risk of radiation spreading wide remains

ABCニュース2011/3/16: U.S. Officials Alarmed By Japanese Handling of Nuclear Crisis

テレグラフ2011/3/16:Japan nuclear plant disaster: everything you need to know about radiation health risks – Survivors of the earthquake and tsunami are now facing the prospect of a radiation leak damaging their health
